DAMAP supports researchers in managing both data and code along the research data lifecycle and helps meet funders' requirements by generating DMPs in funder-specific templates. DAMAP can integrate with an institution's existing databases, e.g., project, HR, to pull relevant data into a DMP, increasing accuracy and reducing the overall effort needed to complete a DMP.
The content and structure of DAMAP is based on Science Europe's Core Requirements for Data Management Plans. The tool guides users through all sections of a DMP in ten steps by asking questions, suggesting text, and providing helpful information. As a result, DAMAP delivers a DMP as a document that can be customized and used for submission to European and national research funders. Furthermore, the tool is compatible with the RDA's recommendation for machine-actionable DMPs and offers a JSON export of the DMP.
DAMAP guides you step by step through the different sections of a DMP following the Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management
Click here to try the DAMAP demo instance. Please use our contact form to request access.
Note: additional services have been integrated with the application to simulate how the tool will operate in production.
Tip: use our tutorial to help you navigate DAMAP and create a DMP.