Saving researchers' time creating DMPs



DAMAP supports researchers in managing both data and code along the research data lifecycle and helps meet funders' requirements by generating DMPs in funder-specific templates. DAMAP can integrate with an institution's existing databases, e.g., project, HR, to pull relevant data into a DMP, increasing accuracy and reducing the overall effort needed to complete a DMP.

The content and structure of DAMAP is based on Science Europe's Core Requirements for Data Management Plans. The tool guides users through all sections of a DMP in ten steps by asking questions, suggesting text, and providing helpful information. As a result, DAMAP delivers a DMP as a document that can be customized and used for submission to European and national research funders. Furthermore, the tool is compatible with the RDA's recommendation for machine-actionable DMPs and offers a JSON export of the DMP.



DAMAP guides you step by step through the different sections of a DMP following the Practical Guide to the International Alignment of Research Data Management


    DAMAP exports a pre-filled DMP as a Word document that you can customize and use for submission to funders.
    Supported templates:
  • FWF
  • Horizon Europe
  • Science Europe


    DAMAP saves you work by:
  • pre-filling content with detailed information from your CRIS application and other systems
  • providing wizards, guidance, and item lists to choose from
  • suggesting answers that you can either comply with or adjust to your needs


DAMAP is compatible with the RDA recommendation on machine actionable DMPs

See what DAMAP can do


These institutions use DAMAP and integrated it into their data management planning:

Try it out

Finger pressing button

Click here to try the DAMAP demo instance. Please use our contact form to request access.

Note: additional services have been integrated with the application to simulate how the tool will operate in production.

Tip: use our tutorial to help you navigate DAMAP and create a DMP.

Get our code

DAMAP is open-source and available under the MIT license.


Image of Andres Tabima

Andres Tabima

Image of Christiane Stork

Christiane Stork

Image of Derek Molnar

Derek Molnar

Image of Geoffrey Karnbach

Geoffrey Karnbach

Image of Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi

Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi

Image of Laura Thaci

Laura Thaci

Image of Tomasz Miksa

Tomasz Miksa

Image of Valentin Futterer

Valentin Futterer

Image of Zeno Casellato

Zeno Casellato


Image of Clara Schuster

Clara Schuster

Image of David Eckhard

David Eckhard

Image of Lukas Arnhold

Lukas Arnhold

Image of Petra Freygner

Petra Freygner

Contact Us

For questions or test instance access, please fill out the form below.